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Game Fan Fiction

Ode to the Life Wizards by Jennifer Emeraldcloud

We are the life wizards,

Who travel through horrible blizzards.

To save even the smallest flower,

Or the tallest tree with its mighty power.

We life are the life wizards with healing charm,

That keeps all near us out of harm.

We give courage to the meek,

Also heal the ones that are weak.

We are the life wizards with powerful friends,

Unicorns and satyrs whose dance never ends.

Centaurs and seraph protect us well,

They are friends I will never sell.

An ode to life wizards, thank you Moolinda Wu,

For teaching me well and other theurgists to.


Wizard101 Fan Fiction Index

The Wizard101 Fan Fiction Archive is where we showcase the wonderful adventure stories of Wizards like you! Please read our game fan fiction submission guidelines to submit your Wizard story. You must include a Title and Character Name for Author. If you are under 13 years of age, ask your parent or guardian for permission to send us your story.

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