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Game Fan Fiction

My Perfect Pet by Alexis Rosepetal

My favorite pets are numerous
Both magical and humorous
On my Wizard lawns they roam about
With spirits true and hearts devout

I love my epic Forest Lord
And my Armament shield and sword
I'm vaguely fond of my Green Cat Thug
And quite adore my Ladybug

I'm delighted with my Panda Cubs
And my Yeti pets I shouldn't snub
I'm partial to my Acid Rain Core
And oh my gosh, so many more

But my favorite pet of them all
That's rescued me from many a fall
That helped me with those bosses that cheat
Saved me from many crushing defeat

Has to be my Carnation Pixie
So aptly named one Regal Trixie
She bravely aids me as I fight and quest
Always there when I'm sorely pressed

And for this most wonderful Wizard pet
Who really is quite a valued asset
I'm grateful for many a wizard friend
And all the help they so freely lend

My perfect pet was tiresome a chore
We hatched and hatched and hatched some more
Many times my pet was an epic fail
Until at last my pet holy grail

So I'd really like to thank and praise
Everyone who brightened my days
For generous help and much advice
And really just for being nice

And now I try my very best
To remember I've been blessed
To pass along that help and aid
In every quest and battle played

I finally got my perfect pet
Thanks to all the people I met
They really were very kind
Truly Wizard101 defined

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade

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