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Game Fan Fiction

Recollection, An Experience of Wizard101 by Edward Swifthunter

How much do I love Wizard101?
Let me recall the days.
Countless wonderful memories,
to which my respect pays.

My first time playing the game,
The sights! The sounds! The thrill...
of wandering through city grounds,
I simply couldn't sit still.

A fizzled spell? Aw, shucks, oh well!
I'd return, stronger than ever.
Weakness was too small, of an issue at all.
When strategy made you feel clever.

The carousel, a crafter's dream.
Difficult to make, so it did seem.
Struggling for reagents you surely did need
such as Black pearls, Springs and Grendelweed.

And the worlds to explore!
Oh, such that I adore.
The Clockwork of Marleybone, The Wilds of Grizzleheim,
So much to do, and never enough time!

So many spells to learn, my biggest yearn.
And every spell I had to earn,
Frostbite, Iceblade, Frost giant too.
Called "Santa" by good friends, through and through.

PvP was a sight to see,
especially at maximum level fifty.
When Rebirth and Earthquake won games easily.

Tower shields were a point well spent.
Warlords health barely took a dent,
And diviners overcast Wild Bolt; ten percent.

My first ever castle, absolute delight,
A beautiful sight! So spacious and bright!
A Wooded Cottage for all my stuff.
The dorm wasn't quite large enough.

When Celestia came, I wasn't sure,
if I wanted to continue further
I'd gotten attached to the classic game
I knew Wizard101 wouldn't be the same.

But my oh my, I gave it a try,
to see Celestia with my own eyes
an adventure unfolded, nostalgia came back
and sun spells were useful, for strength I did lack.

Thank you KingsIsle, for these great memories
which I look back at with fondness and ease.
Though my childhood is officially gone,
I'm still here and I'll certainly press on!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade

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