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Game Fan Fiction

The First Arc by Scarlet Thunder

“A-ha the spell is working”
To a story that’s only stirring
Wizard city is where this story starts
For a wizard so young, learning the basic magical arts
From with a whisk of a wand defeating ghosts in Unicorn way
To saving Colossus Boulevard from gobbler decay

Then on to Krokotopia the world of forever sand
Every corner an enemy appears, in this dry land
In this never-ending oasis, the pyramids reign over the sun
For a wizard’s journey has only just begun

Next is Marlybone, to help the Scotland Yard
Walk close to the sidewalk or else, be on guard!
Dogs rule from the ground while cats reign from the rooftops
For a wizard’s final test, is the 15th floor Big Ben clock

On to the tranquil world of Mooshu
Many enemies to battle in these forests of bamboo
From sneaky ninja pigs to malicious elephant Oni’s a wizard is tested
And from these victories, not so easily bested

The final world, engulfed in fire
Lays the world of flying drakes, Dragonspyre
Malistire lays up above with a watchful eye
For a wizard engages in battle, slowly reaching the lair in the sky

With the final spell cast, Malistire is defeated
The final quest, is finally completed
The adventure is done, a wizard can finally snooze
Only to get a message from Ambrose about exciting news….

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade

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