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Product Letter

October 2022 - Product Letter

Hey everyone,

It's been a couple of months since the last Product Letter and we wanted to make sure that your questions are being answered.

Payment Methods

One of the most frequently asked questions is when the community will get new payment methods.
In the last Product Letter we mentioned that we're planning on adding new currencies as well as new Payment Methods (Sofort + PaySafe Card).

We're happy to tell you that we're in the final steps of getting the currencies in the shop, so that you can be a member, charge your Crowns  or buy bundles via Euro/USD/GBP/Zloty. This is currently in the testing phase and is planned to make its way to the shop in November/December based on test results.

Important to note that any Payment Methods we add need to support the specific currencies mentioned above. As a result of this, you can expect to see updated Payment Methods early next year after the currency phase is completed.

We will of course keep you updated on our socials, once you can purchase with your desired payment method/currency. 

Next Content Update

We've seen a lot of comments regarding the next content update and how much you’re looking forward to  the AOE Attack update.

The current plan, as mentioned in the previous Product Letter , is to try our hardest to get the next update out this year, but we need to be realistic and think that the more accurate and realistic date is in January 2023.

We will of course keep you posted and let you know when this update will go live as we get closer to the date. 

Translations of Updates

A question that was asked on Socials, Discord, KI Live (every last Thursday  of the month) is in regards to the translations of Wizard101 "How can we help improve the translations for Wizard101?"

We are in touch with translation companies to get those translations done in a good and fitting way, which unfortunately did not work out as intended in some parts. We need you as a community  to spot those, in case we did not immediately, and let us know about that to improve the game further for everyone.

We have an official Discord which has a lot of players, but more specifically moderators that are happy to collect your improvement suggestions. Those will be forwarded to the respective people for improving and adjusting those.

Beastmoon Hunt

We received a lot of feedback regarding queueing for Beastmoon Hunt and  missing Beastforms to play as. This will be tackled soon with the upcoming update in December / January as it comes with new Beastforms such as the Myth Ninja Pig or Life Minotaur.

Further, there will be new Event Rewards and new Beastmoon Events which should be interesting for everyone. 

Please always keep in mind that there were a lot of repetitions in the past as there was no major update for about 2 years and therefore a lot of players had everything they wanted from Beastmoon Hunt.

Migration Codes

When Wizard101 transitioned back to us, there were mailers/news created to ensure everyone could get their accounts back and running on the current EU versions of the game.

It seems that some were still not aware of the transition and just recently tried to claim the codes from the previous publisher, which is not possible anymore.

In case you are affected by this, please have a look at your mail provider(s) again (sometimes it happens that the mail got moved per filter to Junk). The customer support  team unfortunately is not able to help on this topic any further.

We hope you're enjoying Karamelle and we're looking forward to rolling out a lot of new updates (looking at you Lemuria!) for you in 2023!

To celebrate the season but also you as a community  we set up a code which allows you to claim a Nightmare Pack and a Karamelle Souvenirs Pack

Giveaway Code: SPOOKTOBER2022
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  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade

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