Expand your horizons and explore ALL of Wizard City for FREE, now through 11:59 PM CT on Tuesday, February 28th.
Yes, you read that right! For a limited time, you’ll be able to battle your way through Firecat Alley, Cyclops Lane, the Sunken City, and more without a membership or purchasing the Zones with Crowns.
You can access the following Zones without a membership or purchasing them with Crowns during this promotion:
- Cyclops Lane
- Firecat Alley
- Colossus Boulevard
- Dark Cave
- Sunken City
- Crab Alley/Deep Warrens/Wailing Cavern
Once this promotion ends on Tuesday, February 28th at 11:59 PM CT, a membership or purchasing the Zones with Crowns will be required to maintain access to the Zones listed above.