| | | | | | | GardeningI'm sad to say that gardening isn't all nurturing and happiness. Plants can be endangered by some very real threats.
This plant is wilting. It will die before too long if it is not taken care of.
Plants can die if their needs are not met, if they are in surrounded by things they dislike, or if they are killed by pests. Plants have likes and dislikes, things that encourage or discourage their growth.
A plant's likes are things it enjoyes being near. These can include other types of plants or gardening items. A plant will flourish if it is near things that it likes, while things it dislikes will cause it to become unhealthy. An important part of gardening is learning how to arrange your plants, and create a healthy garden for them.
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| | | | | | Gardening
 This plant is dead. Now all that can be done is to plow it over, or to revive it.
The greatest threat to plants are pests. Pests can infest a plant and hinder its growth.
If pests are not eliminated, eventually the plant will begin to wilt and die.
When a plant is infested by pests, it cannot be harvested.
To eliminate pests, you must use pest fighting spells. To eliminate a pest, the spell must be of high enough rank. You can purchase pest fighting spells from vendors throughout the Spiral, or even win them as treasures. It's a sorry state to see plants doing so poorly, but it's important to know what risks there are when gardening.
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