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Advanced Pets - Statistics
Your pet has Statistics. They are called Strength, Intellect, Agility, Will, and Power. Each statistic will boost its Talents and help it in the Pet Derby.
Here is how your pet’s statistics help you in magic duels:
 | Strength affects Damage Talents, Power Pip chance Talents, and Resistance Talents. |
 | Intellect affects Mana Talents, accuracy Talents, and Power Pip Talents. |
 | Agility affects Health Talents, Accuracy Talents, and Resistance Talents. |
 | Will affects Health Talents and Mana Talents. |
 | Power as its name indicates, is very powerful and affects Health Talents, Mana Talents, Accuracy Talents, Damage Talents, Power Pip chance Talents, and Resistance Talents. |
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Some Talents give your pet a chance to cast a spell to help you in magic duels!
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Advanced Pets - Talents & PowersYour Pet has Talents and Powers.Talents will only help you in magic duels against monsters and in Player vs Player duels. Derby Powers will only help you in the Pet Derby.
Your pet starts off as a Baby with no Talents or Derby Powers. Each level your pet gains will give it one new Talent and one new Derby Power so that every Epic pet will have four Talents and four Derby Powers.
There are ten possible Talents and ten possible Derby Powers for each pet type. Some Talents and Derby Powers are better than others. They are called Uncommon, Rare, Ultra-Rare, or Epic. An Epic Talent will have four yellow dots to the side of the icon, whereas an Uncommon Talent will only have one.
Train your pet up to discover more varied and stronger Powers.
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