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Beastmoon HuntWelcome to the new battlegrounds, Wizards!
The Beastmoon Hunt is a new team-based, goal-oriented Event designed to bring Wizards together in a fun and friendly competitive event. These events are run on a regular basis for about a week at any given time.
In the Beastmoon Hunt, Wizards polymorph into a variety of different Beast Forms, join a Team, and battle other Wizards! Each Beast Form has a different set of Spells and Stats, making combat with each unique. Also, like the Deckathalon, your Wizard level, stats, and items don’t affect this game mode, so everyone in the Spiral (over Lvl 10) can be your opponents or allies!
Teams of 4-6 Wizards face each other in a classic contest of Domination. Each Team gains points by defeating opponents and capturing and holding Battle Rings in the arena. The match ends when one team reaches 100 points, or the timer expires.
Learn more about this event and others in our Beastmoon Hunt Starter Guide!
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The DeckathalonsClimb the Deckathalon Tower as high as you can to get cool loot!
When a Deckathalon is run (there is one for each school we choose from periodically), Gamma the Owl in the Wizard City Library will have all the info you need on how to enter and get started.
You can enter the tower for free twice per day of an event. Everyone will gain pips instead of power pips and shadow pips, and everyone has the same proficiency at spell casting treasure cards for every school. You’ll notice that you have very few hitpoints, and very little mana. You’ll have to use strategy to make it through.
Each Stage of the tower consists of defeating THREE floors of opponents in a row with no opportunity to heal, refresh your mana, or add treasure cards to your deck. If you make it past the third opponent, you gain access to new Deck recipes.
Learn more about the Deckathalons in April 2019's Update Notes!
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