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Pets drop as treasure and can also be purchased in the Crowns Shop and from any pet store in the Spiral. Pets will often times place equipment cards in your deck or even raise some of your attributes. Plus, they are really cool and fashionable accessories. If you level up your pet in the Pet Pavilion, it can give you more boosts and may even participate in duels!
Unleash your Pets!
Next time you decorate your house, you'll see a Pets tab that allows you to choose and place pets.
 Pets will hang out near where you placed them, but they will also wander a little. Each Pet counts as an item in your housing inventory. Players can have up to 50 pets in a housing area at one time; that's 50 in a Dorm, 50 inside your Castle and 50 outside your Castle!
These pets will respond when you walk around your house and they will react to the clap, scold and dance emotes. Give it a try, and unleash your pets today!
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Renaming Your Pet If you're not happy with your pet's name, you can choose a new name by going to the Dye Shop in the Wizard City Shopping District. You will see an icon there that will instruct you on how to rename your pet, for a small gold fee.
Dyeing Your Pet Some pets have different color variations. To see if you can dye the colors of your pet, go to the Dye Shop in the Wizard City Shopping District and select the Pet icon at the top.
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