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Getting Around - RunningThere are many ways to move about the worlds of the Spiral, let's start with the simplest one - running!
To move your Wizard through the world of Wizard101, you will have to learn a few moves. You can choose to move your character around with either the Arrow keys (show below)

or the WADS keys.
‘W’ or Up Arrow – Move forward
‘A’ or Left Arrow – Turn left
‘D’ or Right Arrow – Turn right
‘S’ or Down Arrow – Move back
You can also move forwards by pushing down both mouse-buttons at the same time, then direct your wizard with your mouse.
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Getting Around - Mounts
The latest method of Transportation is called a Mount. Mounts can be purchased through the SHOP button on your screen, or rented through Zeke. Wizard Mounts may be rented for a day or a week. They may also be purchased permanently. The one and seven day rental gives Wizards a chance to try out the mount and decide which one they want to own permanently.
Quick Facts
- Mounts increase your land travel speed significantly
- Mounts cannot be used indoors
- Mounts may be purchased at the SHOP button on your screen or Zeke
- You will dismount when you are pulled into a duel
- A countdown timer will appear on the description of rental items to indicate how much time you have left on that rental. Time is calculated in calendar days, hours and minutes, and time still counts down when you are logged out of Wizard101.
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