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Introduction to Mini Games
Mini-games serve a variety of purposes in Wizard101. They allow you to recharge your mana globe, earn gold and other items, and offer the challenge of attaining a High-Score.
Each world has a special area for Mini Games. Look for this symbol on the ground. To start playing a mini game, stand on this symbol and press x on your keyboard to open the mini game window.
If you play more than 20 minigames in a 24 hour period, you will cease to receive gold and items, but you will continue to refill mana.
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Intro: Skull Riders is a game that will test your handle of controls and timing.
Controls: Left Arrow moves you left, Right Arrow moves you right. Up Arrow lets you move up, but watch out, it won’t keep you up forever!). Space Bar shoots fireballs.
Objective: In this game, you shoot the Skull Riders to gain points, and gain extra points for collecting their skulls. You lose life points (hearts) if you touch any skull riders on vultures or if you touch the bone pit.
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