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Players receive a PIP each turn of the duel. PIPs are represented by small white dots along the front inside arc of the sigil that the player is standing in. If the PIP is a Power PIP, it should be glowing brighter and yellow. Power PIPs count as TWO PIPS towards spells in your main school of focus.
Players are eligible to receive Power PIPs after level 10. You can increase your chance of receiving Power PIPS with certain clothing and jewelry.
Spells require a certain number of PIPs before they can be cast. Some spells have a PIP requirement that is represented by an X. This means that the spell will be more powerful of you have more PIPs when you cast it.  | | | | |
| | | | | | Travelling to Other WorldsAs young Wizards become stronger, they are invited to explore different worlds of the Spiral.
Once you have completed all your required assignments in Wizard City, Merle Ambrose will ask you to investigate Krokotopia.
Once you have been given that quest, you can access the Spiral door by entering Bartleby the World Tree.
After you’ve completed Krokotopia, you can move on to Marleybone, then MooShu, then Dragonspyre, then Celestia, then Zafaria. You can visit Grizzleheim at level 5, but cannot return until level 20. 
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