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Advanced Pets - Derby
How do I Move?
Space – Jump/Duck
Up Arrow – Cheer
Left/Right Arrow – Lane Change
Down Arrow – Slow Down
Number Keys 1-4 – Activate Respective Power
What should I do?
You're in a race with other pets and the players controlling those pets. Cheer your pet on to move faster in the race. Cheering costs morale and the moral costs vary by terrain type (i.e. Water, Clay, Grass, Dirt and Cobblestone). All speed boosts are temporary increases to speed and will fade over time. To regain morale, go through jump and duck obstacles. Failing to jump/duck over an obstacle will remove a speed boost. Barriers reduce speed by a fixed value. Players cannot cheer in Mud, and it will slow you down over time.
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| | | | | | When should I jump?
To know when to jump over or under an obstacle in the Derby, we have added Jumppads!  These Jumppads tell you the spot to press the space bar for the best chance of clearing the obstacle ahead!
What are Powers?Use powers to affect other racers by dropping obstacles, effecting speed, forcing lane changes and so forth. All powers have a cool down before they can be used again. Obstacles dropped through powers (i.e. barriers, oil slicks, etc.) are permanent additions to the track.
What are these Stars!?Stars provide a number of effects depending on strength which include speed boosts and debuff immunities.
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