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Clothing - Seamstress
Have you ever found a clothing item or wand you love the look of, but wish it had the stats of something different? Well now you can take the stats of one item and apply them to another item of the same type. Love the stats on your Dragonspyre hat but it doesn't match your Grizzleheim outfit? Find a Grizzleheim hat you like, and move the stats from your Dragonspyre hat, to the new Grizzleheim hat to complete your stylish look.
Eloise Merryweather, who can be found near Zeke in all worlds of the Spiral has been busy learning how to stitch! For a small Crowns fee, she will allow you to transfer the Stats of one item onto the Appearance of another of the same type (hats to hats, wands to wands, etc). This process can be reversed through the Unstitching option. However, this also costs additional Crowns.
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| | | | | | Clothing - SeamstressNext time you talk to her, select the item you want to use as the Appearance, and the item you want to use for the Stats. Click Create and you'll have a whole new item with the look and stats you want combined into one.

Important things to note about the Seamstress:
- Both items will be removed from your backpack and replaced with the new item
- The name of the item will be transferred from the Stats item, along with the bonuses
- The bonuses of the appearance item will completely disappear, and be overwritten by the bonuses of the stats item, with the exception of No Trade flags. Those will persist to the final item.
- This process can be reversed through the Unstitching option. However, this also costs additional Crowns.
- Please note, unstitching only extends to the most recent stitch. You will not be able to return to the first original items, so be careful as you stitch!
- This process costs Crowns
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