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Equipment is a significant factor in the overall strength of your character. Similar to clothing, these pieces can be collected from monsters, bought from shops or be rewards for quests.
Equipment consists of the following pieces:
Wands - Wands automatically place spells in the equipment cards slot in your deck.
Athames - Athames can give you boosts which include raising damage, resistances, health, mana, accuracy, and many other stats.
Amulets - Amulets come attached with a specific spell card, which they automatically put in the equipment cards slot in your deck.
Rings - Rings can give you attribute boosts which include raising damage, resistances, health, mana, accuracy, and many other stats.
Pets - Pets are another type of equipment. For more information on pets, see the section on pets.
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Equipment cont'd
Mounts - Wizard Mounts provide a fast way of getting around. Mounts may be rented for a day or a week, or purchased permanently.
Decks - Different decks come with different restrictions. These restrictions include max number of cards, max copies of each spell, and max copies of your school’s spells.
Equipping your Equipment
To use your items, you must equip them. To equip items, select them in your backpack & press the hand icon to equip the item.

Items that have the little hand icon are what you are currently wearing.
Items that have the little dollar icon were purchased with Crowns.
Items that are greyed out, you cannot wear.
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